Lost and Found Ebook
Unit Histories of Corregidor and Manila Bay
by Paul F. Whitman
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About the Ebook
Fortunately, many officers who commanded subordinate units felt the compulsion to leave a record of their experiences. During their years in prison these men had discussed and compared their operations endlessly with their fellow prisoners and jotted down in cheap Japanese notebooks or on scraps of paper all they could remember and had learned. So scarce was writing material that the men covered every inch of space in the notebooks and wrote in characters so small as to be scarcely legible.
These notebooks and papers were then hidden ingeniously from the Japanese guards. In some cases, the documents were buried and recovered after the war.
The articles varied widely in size and quality. Some are written in dull military prose, whilst other reflect real literary merit. Some are accurate and detailed; others replete with loose generalizations.
Louis Morton, who wrote "The Fall of The Philippines" saw common in them all "a note of bitterness at what they believed to be their abandonment by the government and the desire to justify themselves to the future." The histories in this volume illustrate an unmistakable picture of brave men who resolved to fight on, even after their country could no longer support them.
Surrendered into the custody of the Japanese, it was all they could do just to stay alive. Yet among them, there were those who would risk their lives, one more time, to record the experiences of their comrades in arms.
These histories are accompanied by images from the scrapbook of Andrew Lagonick, to help evoke the period prior to the descent into Hell.
Features & Details
- Primary Category: History
- Version Fixed-layout ebook, 235 pgs
- Publish Date: Nov 10, 2019
- Last Edit Aug 10, 2021
- Language English
- Keywords POW's, Unit Histories, WWII, Philippines
About the Creator
Through the Corregidor Historic Society and, more recently the 503d PRCT Heritage Regiment., Paul presents thirteen publications, all connected in some way with Corregidor and the US Armed Forces in the SWPA during WWII. He started developing the Corregidor.Org website about the 1941-42 siege and the 1945 retaking of Corregidor as a penance for being an insolvency lawyer. Now retired, he has produced ten websites, more than a dozen Military History books, and has co-produced, with Peter Parsons, the documentary of the 1945 retaking of Corregidor - "CORREGIDOR - THE ROAD BACK. He married Rosie in 1980, has three adult children, and hates cats. He lives between two shores, Corregidor and Brisbane, Australia.