sceaux 7H59
by Philippe Durand Gerzaguet
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About the Book
Pendant deux années scolaires, une ou deux fois par semaine j'ai déposé Alice à 7h59 aux portes du Lycées Lakanal, en face du Parc de Sceaux.D'accord, quelques fois, c'était 8h01, mais "Sceaux 8h01", ça sonne moins bien. S'en suivait une promenade, en compagnie de ma chienne Ninon et de mon Nikon (ou autre).Cet album rassemble quelques-unes de ces photographies matinales, prises entre la rentrée 2004 et l'été 2006.
For two years, once or twice a week, I dropped Alice at 7:59 at the gates of Lycée Lakanal, just opposite the castle of Sceaux.OK, some days it was more like 8:01, but "Sceaux 8h01" does not sound as good. A walk in the park followed, along with my dog Ninon and my Nikon (or any other camera).This album is made from these early morning photographs taken between the first days of school in 2004 till summer 2006.
For two years, once or twice a week, I dropped Alice at 7:59 at the gates of Lycée Lakanal, just opposite the castle of Sceaux.OK, some days it was more like 8:01, but "Sceaux 8h01" does not sound as good. A walk in the park followed, along with my dog Ninon and my Nikon (or any other camera).This album is made from these early morning photographs taken between the first days of school in 2004 till summer 2006.
Features & Details
Project Option: Standard Landscape, 10×8 in, 25×20 cm
# of Pages: 116 - Publish Date: Mar 31, 2010
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About the Creator
Philippe Durand Gerzaguet
Issy les Moulineaux, France
I photograph ( I write (for the magazine Réponses Photo) I blog ( I shoot horses ( I workshop (explorer la couleur I love color ( I like black and white as well ( I consult (