The Rise of the Leviathan Ebook
by Raven SuSane Clarity
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About the Ebook
"The coming forward is what is now known and seen as needed, and the full open nature is given room. The centered focus is made more Felt, and the perspective shift needed is set into place with ease. When all is moved into the most generous of ways, the calculational specifics are more easily seen. All now sets into place and the format is what is waited for and recognized. The singular voice of Potency is what is needed within the full harmony of a Time that now unfolds. We are now ready for a Pitch that renews the timing needed."
The Traveler Series of books, of which this is the 7th, follow our exploration and insights that support and nurture the curious creative spirit. Your purchase and/or interest in this book is proof that you too are a curious explorer and could use support and nurturance along the way.
The Traveler Series of books, of which this is the 7th, follow our exploration and insights that support and nurture the curious creative spirit. Your purchase and/or interest in this book is proof that you too are a curious explorer and could use support and nurturance along the way.
Features & Details
- Primary Category: Religion & Spirituality
- Additional Categories Self-Improvement, Arts & Photography Books
- Version Fixed-layout ebook, 144 pgs
- Publish Date: Sep 30, 2021
- Last Edit Mar 01, 2022
- Language English
- Keywords Traveler Series, Clarity, RavenSuSane, Leviathan
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About the Creator
Clarity Artists
Rockland, Maine, USA
We, Robert & Su.Sane Hake (Clarity), are multi-media artists and writers. We collaborate on the same piece at the same time, it is the hallmark of our style. Our work is intuitive. We've been called Contemporary Visionaries, Outsider Artists, Folk Primitives, Patternists, and our work falls within the Healing Arts, but most of all each body of work we do is unique to itself, and lies within the path of the Sacred. We are interested in Mysticism, the Sacred, divinational beliefs of indigenous people, sacred patterns, and alchemy within the creative process.