Do-It-Yourself Macro Lenses (by John Wilson) Ebook
by John Wilson
by John Wilson
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About the Ebook
A guide to creating your own macro lenses for an SLR or other removable lens cameras! The book starts out with a detailed explanation of the theory behind macro lenses, and then continues into an explanation of how to create a macro lens out of a magnifying glass.
Creating a macro lens using a disposable camera is even easier, and is also covered. Finally, the last part of the book, there are a number of example images given.
Creating a macro lens using a disposable camera is even easier, and is also covered. Finally, the last part of the book, there are a number of example images given.
Features & Details
- Primary Category: Education
- Version Fixed-layout ebook, 80 pgs
- Publish Date: Sep 21, 2012
- Last Edit Jan 27, 2014
- Language English
- Keywords photography, macro, diy, lens, camera
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