
Jill Weiss

San Diego, CA

Dr. Jill L. Weiss is a licensed Clinical Psychologist and Marriage Family Therapist with a three year, post doctoral training program in humanistic psychotherapy. She developed a behavior modification, self- improvement game called, "Psychological Slimnastics” in 1976.

She has the privilege of 40 years of experience as a Psychologist with many scholastic honors, including Phi Beta Kappa and graduating Magna Cum Laude.

She has been in private practice for 33 years as a PhD, Clinical Psychologist, having the honor of helping many clients self-actualize or grow to their potential.

Her professional values include helping people become more of whom they were meant to be… more true to themselves. She loves watching her clients gather wisdom and then act on it.

As such, this book is an extension of her value system… inspiring herself and others to self-actualize. She hopes you will take the Wisdom-isms in this book to heart and

Books by Jill Weiss