Karridale Bushfires 1961 Ebook
Eye witness testimonies of the 1961 bush fires that destroyed Karridale
by Heather Matthews editor
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About the Ebook
Stories of how, in 1961, the small poorly equipped community of Karridale fought the bush fires that destroyed their townsite. The fire extended from south of Margaret River to North of Augusta, and spread to the east as far as Alexandra Bridge. With amazing tenacity these soldier settler families defended the homes and farms they had worked so hard to create. The whole community battled for days to save their lives, livestock, and homes. Using little more than cream cans of water from the dams, wet sacks, knapsack sprayers, and their own ingenuity and understanding of fire behaviour they all survived. Their Dunkirk spirit shines through as they recall events that are poignant and funny, sad and uplifting. We are grateful to all those who gave their time freely so that we could share this piece of hostory.
Features & Details
- Primary Category: Biographies & Memoirs
- Version Fixed-layout ebook, 180 pgs
- Publish Date: Jan 04, 2014
- Last Edit Dec 24, 2019
- Language English
- Keywords Margaret River, Bushfires, Augusta-Margaret, Karridale, Leeuwin
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