
Rita Greenstein

New York City

Rita Harriet Rappoport Greenstein lived on Long Island with her husband of 54 years, Eli (who passed away in 2003) where they raised their three daughters, Gail, Carol and Myra. She taught music in the public schools and on the college level for over 35 years. Her volunteer work included the Girl Scouts, American Field Service, The American Red Cross, Old Westbury Gardens, B’nai B’rith, Mount Vernon Hotel Museum, and Carnegie Hall. She has been deeply involved with and committed to the New York Choral Society since 1972. She has had a long and active affiliation with the American Association of University Women and a strong connection with the Midway Jewish Center, and on moving to NY City, with the East 55th Street Conservative Synagogue, Or Olam.

Books by Rita Greenstein