
Janette Voski


Janette Voski was born in Sydney, Australia, and is of Armenian and Lebanese descent.

Voski began her writing journey in 2014, with poetry being her preferred art of self-expression. In Voski's writing, her love of literature shines through with expression through her influences: dialogue, people, places, relationships, experiences and memories.

Voski has published four poetry books: Bones (2019), X (2020), Neon Sun (2022) and Chrome (2023).

Across all Voski's publications, she details her personal experiences with passion and a boldness to look deeply into the variables that make up the evolution unfolding before her.

To love. To empathise. To show compassion. To be vulnerable. To prevail in strength.

These are the themes Voski brings to life and literature, guaranteed to resonate with those who have loved and lost, and found themselves along the way.

Books by Janette Voski