
Photographic Biographies

Poowong, Victoria, Australia

Beautiful books. Made by you and I.

We're photographers, designers, and book-lovers too – obsessed with quality and sticklers about top-notch binding, gorgeous paper, and professional printing.

So, we're not kidding when we say Blurb books are bookstore-quality – you'll want to share and show them off for years to come.
But don't take our word for it, make a book and see Blurb quality for yourself.

Areas of Expertise

Computing and making professional quality books with the help of Blurb Printing.

Ambulance Officer (Retired) Helping people where I can, both in Life-saving methods and helping people make their photo books.

Professional Affiliations

Ambulance Officer - Retired

Books by Photographic Biographies

5-5 of 5 Books