
David Kimelman

Brooklyn, NY

David Kimelman, a graduate of Pratt Institute, is a Brooklyn based photographer. His solo show, Natural Order, a series of photographs that reveal the tenuous and often contradictory relationships people have with the natural world, was exhibited in Philadelphia in 2009. The show was reviewed in the Philadelphia Inquirer and the City Paper. A selection of images from his portrait series, Reality Wanted, about ordinary people who aspire to achieve celebrity on reality TV, were exhibited at The International Center of Photography in New York City in 2011.

These projects and others have been featured and discusses in the media by outlets such as Feature Shoot, BOOOOOOOM!, Antenna Magazine, Refinery 29, The Fashionisto, The World’s Best Ever, Lenscratch, Flavorwire, and The Sundance Channel.

David is a regular photography contributor at East Village Boys, Dirty Magazine, And Latina Magazine, including recent features on Mink Stole, Justin Vivian Bond, George McCracken, Jeffrey Self and

Books by David Kimelman