
Ben Fink

West Palm Beach, Florida

Ben Fink Artist, Photographer/Director,

Ben Fink born in Baltimore in the 1960s attended art school at Memphis College of Art and the University of Memphis.

Ben works across multiple media, including photography, illustration, and physical painting. Ben has created a new body of work that continues to evolve into mixed media. This manifests sensibilities and direct references to historical painting while at the same time using modern figures as focal points. Ben’s earlier studies of painting, art history, paper making, and photography continue to influence his work.

Ben combines fragments of paintings, landscapes, and architectural spaces. This mélange helps create an intent of what he refers to as an “out-of-time” effect where proportions of place, subject, and model(s) embrace our need for modern-day myth. Each image suggests a narrative allowing viewers to engage in the implied mythologies which help to give his work its final shape.

Books by Ben Fink