Numpurrs Ebook
an illustrated poem about cats and numbers
by Sue Clancy
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Print Book
AUD $23.51
About the Ebook
This is an illustrated poem about cats and numbers – a playful summing up of what happens when everyone brings something pleasant to the table. Every contribution counts!
The poem and the cat portraits Sue Clancy created were inspired by the cat stories and photos her friends were kind enough to share. You could say that this book itself is a compounding potluck event – a notion that adds to the fun.
The poem and the cat portraits Sue Clancy created were inspired by the cat stories and photos her friends were kind enough to share. You could say that this book itself is a compounding potluck event – a notion that adds to the fun.
Features & Details
- Primary Category: Pets
- Additional Categories Arts & Photography Books, Children’s Books
- Version Fixed-layout ebook, 36 pgs
- Publish Date: Sep 16, 2020
- Last Edit Oct 23, 2020
- Language English
- Keywords children, fine art, numbers, portraits, cat, pets
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About the Creator
sue clancy
vancouver wa
Sue Clancy is a fine artist who tells stories visually. She is represented by multiple art galleries and has artwork in pubic and private collections. You can see more about her life and work at