
Kidsafe NSW Inc.

Sydney, Australia

A non-government, not-for-profit charity organisation, Kidsafe is internationally regarded as a leader in injury prevention. We specialise as an information and advisory service regarding the safety of children in and around the home and community. Kidsafe New South Wales Inc. is located at Kidsafe House, in the grounds of The Children's Hospital at Westmead. Kidsafe House is a child safety demonstration house and playspace and provides a great opportunity for parents, carers, students, health and industry professionals to gain a better understanding of safety in and around the home and out in the community.

Areas of Expertise

Home and Community Safety - in and around the home and community
Road Safety - passenger, pedestrian and wheeled toys
Playground Safety - safe and inspiring playgrounds and provision of safe play

Professional Affiliations

Kidsafe has relationships with government, research and advocacy organisations around the world, including the Child Accident Prevention Trust in the United Kingdom, and Safekids Worldwide, including partner organisations across the globe.