
Jason Potvin

Brooklyn, NY, USA

Born in 1980 in Worcester, MA, Jason Potvin is an international artist from the generation that has emerged in the wake of major religious, social, political and technological upheaval.

Through his work, you can see the many changes that are taking place in this time period as we started shifting from the purely material and included the integration of newer technologies.

His process is the integration of understanding reality and how dreams and the subconscious both influence our creative imagination.

Revolutionizing / Redefining the concept of creative imagination and process is what makes Jason stand out among other modern artists. This approach of deconstructing the endless search for the absolute and the undefinable meaning and seeing art as a complex creation.

Observing and experiencing instead of trying to logically structure and/or understand. Jason’s art reflects one’s own deeper feelings. It serves like a prism for looking inside yourself and the outside world.

Books by Jason Potvin